Archive for the ‘Money in politics’ category

On the second Tuesday of the month (instead of our normal first Tuesday because of the holiday), our headliner is former State Assemblyman, Board of Supervisors president, and School Board president Tom Ammiano, role-model legislator for decades of SF political history.  Tom chairs the campaign committee for the Sunlight on Dark Money Initiative, seeking signatures […]

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 6:30pm. Housing and Good-Government night at PHDC. Props A, D, F, I, J, & K (housing) and C & E (good government) were covered. There were mini-debates on the more contentious propositions: D – Mission Rock, former Mayor Art Agnos vs. Jon Golinger; F – Short-Term Residential Rentals, Dale Carlson vs. George […]

Since the District 10 Supervisor, the City Attorney and the Sheriff are all our neighbors – and PHDC members – the Club decided to invite them all separately to address members and guests on their current and future projects. Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi appeared and gave a lively, informative and well-received talk, followed by audience Q&A. Alas, […]

Arguments pro and con for a variety of measures on the November 4th ballot made for an engaging evening of mini-debates. There was a literal turf battle (at right, Mike Murphy & Donald Collins argue real vs. fake grass in the parks), the Pier 70 development height limit increase, an attempt to “balance” transportation priorities (oh, […]

PHDC was there with endorsed-campaign swag, voter registration forms, 94107 t-shirts and CA DISCLOSE Act petitions.

Our July “meeting” took place in Dolores Park on a sizzling Fourth, campaigning for the CA DISCLOSE Act, registering voters, and watching the SF Mime Troupe’s premier performance. Then we were ready to return to our regular venue on the Hill. City Attorney Dennis Herrera and Board of Supervisors President David Chiu (center, r. to […]

OIL. The upper safety limit for atmospheric CO2 is 350 parts per million (ppm). We’ve just hit 400 ppm. Dave Massen (SF group leader) and Jeff Whittington of Citizens Climate Lobby (click here for recent NY Times article about CCL) want to cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote transition to a green energy economy through […]

With increased population growth, climate change, and the inevitable “big one,” securing San Francisco’s water supply will require creative and forward-looking plans. Attendees heard from experts about these and other water issues in our city and in the state, including: the dangers fracking in California; ways that San Francisco is slowly mitigating its practice of […]

The table discussions last month sharply revealed how important money in politics, in all its incarnations, remains for PHDC members and friends. On the January agenda: Action at the Chevron refinery January 19th to mark the third anniversary of Citizens United – see calendar listing. The  2013 California DISCLOSE Act, SB 52, authored by Senator […]

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