SF City Attorney Dennis Herrera spoke about his wide-ranging work protecting the city and its residents. Cases have included protecting children from sex trafficking, defending evicted tenant relocation payments, protecting City College from the ACCJC, challenging the State Lands Commission’s attempt to nullify Proposition B, suing the state of Nevada for patient dumping, championing gay rights, and much more. There was a lively Q&A following the City Attorney’s remarks.

PHDC board member Bob Boileau explained the recent and ongoing Republican threat to Social Security and organized and provided an on-site letter-writing session to Representative Pelosi, urging her to protect and expand Social Security.

Members passed an amendment to the Bylaws increasing the number of At-Large Officers to four, and rejected an amendment to prohibit absentee voting.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 3rd at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

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