Posts tagged ‘Endorsements’

Join your neighbors for a series of Q&A forums to get to know the candidates and share what’s top of mind for Dogpatch & Potrero Hill residents. All forums begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Dogpatch Hub, 1278 Minnesota Street @ 24th Doors open at 6, refreshments served, no candidate endorsements associated with these events […]

Hear from Flip the Vote, strategically working towards winning Democratic control of all three branches of the federal government by directly supporting carefully-researched, trusted partner groups in key swing states. And PHDC members representing SF Climate Emergency Coalition and Citizens’ Climate Lobby SF chapter will describe the critical work being done to promote climate action at the […]

Many of us in Potrero Hill Democratic Club have appreciated its longtime, vibrant progressive voice in east-side San Francisco politics, and would like to see it come back strong. Please join us as we breathe new life into our club. The City needs us! We’ll be gearing up for the crucial November election – and speaking up […]

Please join us Monday, October 3, 6:30 – 7:30pm on Zoom. This is our typical (well, except that it’s virtual) month-before-the-election membership meeting, when we invite endorsed candidates and ballot measures for members and friends to have another look and learn more about the campaigns. Here’s the Zoom link.

First up: August 30th, 6:30pm We will begin our series of educational/endorsement meetings for the November election on Tuesday, August 30th with the District 10 Supervisor race (debate, moderated by J.R. Eppler), plus candidates for Public Defender and District Attorney. Club members in good standing will vote that evening. This meeting, cosponsored by the Potrero Boosters, will be on Zoom. Update – […]

Join us virtually as we consider candidates for Board of Education and BART Board, plus local measures pro& con. Email us at [email protected] for Zoom login info. 2020 Board of Education candidate questionnaire responses

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